Thursday, May 21, 2015

My Philosophy

To rid myself of anxiety, and help others with a similar desire for such a thing. As well as see the benefit in everything, whether we have to create the beneficial elements ourselves or not. But to do nothing in a way that baselessly disrespects another individual. Self defense doesn't mean instigate violence. Be honest and don't lie ever (be conscious of your own lies, otherwise you wont be conscious of other peoples lies!).  People have a right to practice silence, as well as a right to tell someone else to shut the fuck up. Don't take it personally that other people are more sensitive than you, in a given situation. Leave the harmless person to their own devices, or expect the possibility of hostile defense when they receive interference. Nobody likes to be rudely interrupted. Words shouldn't transpire into murder, or something to that degree. Words should only be used to further manifest good ideas.

We are responsible for how we are as characters. Think about yourself in third person. What you are is molding clay that you have shaped yourself. Other people may have stuck a finger in while the clay was being sculpted, but it's nothing we can't continue to smooth over! Progression of the world is inevitable, which means our own personal worlds should behave accordingly. The style of behavior will be different for everyone, so it's important not to focus on what we don't like about that. We should instead hold our attention up to the positives, and how elements of a unique style can serve a higher good. Or even just an immediate type of good! 

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