Tuesday, March 31, 2015


We are art forms of life. I can think of nothing more abstract in nature than a human. We inherently feel this I think, as is evident in our behavior. Our relationship with ourselves, each other, and the environment around and within where we inhabit. The working systems of bio-brilliance totally synchronize together, so you can be you and I can be me. Our brains further connect us to nature with ideas, senses, pattern recognition and free will. We develop consciousness through experience and awareness, either of self or foreign extent. Ultimately we construct the lesson, the answers, and the questions for ourselves to interpret. Life is an experience, unique to those who live it.

The gravity of teamwork is immensely anesthesiated, when looked at from a big picture perspective. Mankinds super ego has kept us from being all on the same team. It has historically, and continues to do so even today! LIKE WHAT!? We really must absolutely HAVE TO stay dug in to our traditional systems, ideas and plans? Can we not compromise and come together? The potential to thrive is going to be realized when we all stand as equally regarded, in the light of being AWESOME - EVERY - SINGLE - ONE. 

The greatest organizations have all been a shared effort of pushing, pulling, and guiding.

And hell yeah we're all different! We're all completely different from the first cell in our toe, to the last one in the shortest strand of hair on our head. Everyone is built differently, therefore everyone has different instrumentalities. We're really good at some things, and super smart. Then there are also some things we are not very good at, or know nothing about. That's just part of the difference between us! What kind of crap does it take to make that into somehow a problem? Oh my god like it's soooo terrible that A person or A group of people is not flawless for something SPECIFIC! That's a roadblock mindset which prevents more decent cognition from occurring in the brain. 


Okay so I may have went on a rant just now. I'm just a sensitive person to these things I guess. It's dumb we can't live in front of our difference. We let them live in front of us instead. Everyone wants to do their own thing which is fine. We are as art forms after all. Who's to say it's unacceptable to dance from birth into old age? Or paint their life story on their own body. I dunno but they're just spewing crap if they do. Those things are objectively victim-less behavior. There is no reason, beyond a projection of misunderstanding and/or ignorance, why we must prejudate  anything superficial. If global society were a person, they would have hella STDs. Each one is a representation of how we don't get along. 

Monday, March 30, 2015


Acting or speaking as if pre-enlightened; culmination of what happens to presume oneself,  can be all too prime for a path of negativity. It can also be quite funny. But sense of humor is a limited capacity for people in certain situations. The whole picture is never brought into perspective - as are the limitations of being human. But contemplation is possible, and rewarding, if properly guided.

It's not up to anyone to tell us what to think, how to think, where our thoughts should go or anything like that. That's crap they want to project because they aren't comfortable with acceptance. Anyone can suck it up and accept anything as long as nobody is really getting hurt, or victimized. Rejection is what leads to violent behavior, and ultimately causes complications to a path of positivity.

Self awareness is what most shitty situations lack. We like to objectify whatever we feel is bad or negative, and end up forgetting - or even forsaking ourselves. It's all in our head, and it's time we stop ignoring the significance.

Someone telling you to culturise yourself, to fit their own conventions, is a person lacking faculties of decency. It's to be expected of children and teenagers, but as adults I think people should have a bit stronger form of common sense! What's the truth, and what's the individuals take on truth? Their "take" as in their subjective experience. The subjective experience is essentially our translation of objective reality. Our subjectivity is additional to objective reality; subjectivity proceeds objectivity.

The relationship of internal and external reality is littered with contingencies. We advance around them with ignorance, and sometimes an ego driven attitude of certainty. Our hubris will be our downfall, if we don't submit it to decency. Decent behavior as in less mocking and critical publication. Decent as in looking at flaws for ends of improvement - and nothing less. Rather than looking for flaws just for the sake of pointing them out, and leaving one in a puddle of negativity. This is the power negativity has, to be a strengthening compliment to positivity.  These are a few steps on the path of many steps.


My personal take on spirit is that it amounts to ones history of actions and behavior. Ones deeds, thoughts, responses, decisions, bonds and relationships, experiences and  objective imprint on time. It is metaphysical made manifest through  physical extent. The process of metaphysical creation is a feedback loop of potential and novelty. The more things change, the more potential there becomes for even more change.

The evidence of spirit is presence. Invocation of experience is the pudding. It is in part a byproduct of intelligence, even if at a mere primal and non-sentient precondition.

Folks this is what I think about and use to comprehend the power of love, hate, and all things of a similar element. It's the best translation I can muster for what truly boils down to a feeling. I'm a very sensitive person to things like this! So I do my best to write about them,  that I personally may understand the feelings better. And it's nice to give inner context to someone else, which helps them understand me better as well. The higher degree to which one understands their feelings, the more clever one can be about communicating their human experience.

It was a lovely time writing all of this. Even lovelier still would it be, if some other felt lovely like me, and practiced my art of objectivity.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


People like to think of man-made systems as solid. The systems that are necessary to make society run, as a whole. Government, citizenship etc. They are not thought about as much as other things, in our daily lives, because we trust these systems enough to not worry TOO much. We complain and talk about improvements, but we willingly participate  every single day of our lives no matter how good our arguments against it might be. We talk about the problems as if we aren't partaking in the longevity of the problems; as if we are not participants and it's someone else fault.

But these systems and behavior are reflections of ourselves. People are soft, squishy, and a collective organization of many things. We're also very vulnerable, and compensate with ego - so we might seem less vulnerable to other people. But us, and our societal systems are weak to the forces of nature. We live in homes, neighborhoods and cities as if they are gonna last forever. Tornados, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanoes are some of the forces that make us understand how mortal we are, and how little/insignificant our 'important shit' is to actual objective reality.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

The Art Of Objectivity

The art of objectivity is slow to catch on, and that's fucking rough to deal with. We all feel it, even for brief moments. Contrast is usually the catalyst to create this feeling. When subjective elements collide with objective elements. EVERYONE matures the structure of their brain differently; unique. When we make reasons to justify human behavior, we artificially connect subjectivity and objectivity. This has blurred perception of reality, and makes a lot go over ones head.

My brain and body interact with other brains and bodies. As well as the world itself, which has a lot more in it than we do in our brains and bodies. But because we ARE our brains and bodies, we have a disadvantage: we are limited by our senses, and imagination (which I have started to consider a sense in itself). 

We use our senses to interpret and translate the world. All the information our senses can gather, is filtered through what is known as subjectivity. Where our senses draw information from is the other side of this coin: objectivity. It's a real fucking problem that humans have in deciphering the difference. We confuse the 2 all too often. Sometimes it helps, but I have seen it often do harm. 

This is why perspective is so important to have, and expand.  

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Make negativity your bitch

The idea of owning land, and facebook likes, are possible thanks to the approval of others. If you hate on facebook because of likes specifically, consider that it's just one of those things, part of our nature. We've been seeking the approval of other people for as long as society has been around. How round about! If the goal is happiness, and happiness literally comes from within, then why do we make such an effort at externalizing the path?

Well there are a number of reasons, and even more per individual. Happiness is internal, but imagine how inconvenient it would be to just sit still and look inward for happiness 100% of the time. I meditate frequently and am in no way trying to discredit meditation. Im just saying there are obvious reasons why we do what we do, instead of sitting in silence.

The point is to be aware of these things, and explore them to our benefit. If we're trying to be happy, then we gotta pursue the positives. That means seeing the bright side to negatives! Because negatives are going to happen, and it would be cool to know how to deal with. Think about your behavior, relative to a negative situation. How do you handle it? What do you do? Is your instinct to combat the negativity in some way, or reject it? Well try to fight that instinct and focus on accepting what's happening instead. Only after you accept reality, can you change reality!

Root yourself into the moment of negativity, and explore it as if it were a tool. Or a set of weights! However you can attribute the negativity to interface and strengthen your positivity, DO IT FOR SURE! Patience, honesty, and healthy brain jive - these are some of the results to making negativity your bitch. And if you find yourself overwhelmed during or after a moment of negativity, just breathe, shut up, breathe more, and understand that it will pass. I love you



Weavesilk has shown me that even though something can look messy and all over the place, it can be breath-takingly beautiful and come together with intelligent symmetry. And with the right combination of messiness, the end result is elegance.


Eventually novelty shifts, and my interest along with it. Interests, desire, tendencies, behavior, thoughts. The things and people close to my heart are locked in static novelty though. The most important elements of my life are all together what I live for, and what help set the pace for discovery. Novelty does indeed fuel imagination, and imagination is what expands our umwelt.

umwelt (plural: umwelten; from the German Umwelt meaning "environment" or "surroundings") is the radius of perception our senses can hold. 

Our brain uses senses to process the world and reality. Our imagination expands the world and reality for our brain, and subsequently our senses. This is the process of creating ones own reality. This is why quantum mechanics is so cool to hear about, even if it's at first over my head. It sparks my imagination to conjure scenes of creation on a scale indescribable. From underlying quantum foundations, the smallest fabric of existence, to a cosmic macroscope perspective. If nothing else it gives me a good sense of contrast lol

It leads me wonder about the multiverse, and that whole thing. But knowing about the multiverse doesn't help us currently, as far as I can see. Basically I think there are more important things to think about. The thought is always a nice one when it graces my mind though. The significance of the idea, is held in the idea itself. We're a far cry away from outer-universal discovery, when we still can't accept ourselves - or at least keep our shit together so it doesn't victimize anyone. Self control is a real issue among too many people. 

Teenagers and young adults who forsake themselves, for the stupidest shit. They grow up and wonder where it all went wrong, and why their life sucks. There was never a singular point, or event that changed everything for them. They simply fell into a negative routine and integrated that negativity into the rest of their life. It's unfortunate but the silver lining = circumstances are a presentation to what we have, as humans: the brain. 

It's a presentation in the same way a meal is a presentation, sitting there looking all delicious and nutritious on a plate. Or maybe it looks like shit and turns your stomach. The point is: it's your attitude and perspective that make the food look one way or another. We can eat food, or go without eating food. We're all going to die in the end no matter what our approach to food might be! 

So do what you can to make the most out of negativity, before just letting it make the most out of you. Because that shit sucks and you don't want that. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Welcome to Imagination


Weavesilk is so dope. It's entertaining, good for artistic expression, and maybe a gateway for insight! A look at something much smaller, and more fundamental than we have the senses to perceive. I mean unless you count the imagination as a sense of it's own (I almost do). The imagination after-all is what we experience memories and ideas with. It's quite a sensory expanding element at the most inarguable least. But like our senses, our imagination is a sensory receptor symposium happening within our brain.

  1. Symposium
  2. In ancient Greece, the symposium was a drinking party

And what do our senses do for us; what purpose do they serve? Well they work as systems of interpretation for the world around and within us. Imagination is like that in a sense, but unbound. Imagination doesn't have to experience malleable truth to work the brains neural signal showdown. From using imagination, the brain is able to create scenarios that don't have to be "real". 

Although the scenario might not be real in the sense that it happened, imagination serve the purpose of keeping the possibility open. Thoughts and feelings toil around the imagination, and that's what more or less guides us through our lives. If we didn't have imagination, we wouldn't get anywhere. It's the sense for what is unknown, and the key to discovering it. 

Monday, March 23, 2015


Influential words or deeds come from individuals. We're individuals too, and share the same potential for influence as anyone else. Our circumstances and situation are the physical reflection of the fate we choose, and the destiny that chooses us.

We live in a interconnected world, where choices and ideas socialize. We're called a social species because of the length our social capacity stretches to. My individual behavior synchronizes with the behavior of things I can comprehend. Things like the system of material hierarchy - a fancy way of saying 'stuff in general'. It's a matter of self control and awareness. Essentially it comes down to what I can learn about, I can accept. That doesn't mean I'll enjoy it necessarily, but as long as it's honest I can work with the positives.


Sometimes a situation starts, and it isn't until after it's changed or ended that the full brunt of potential positivity/knowledge is realized to be extracted. In that case we miss out, but develop artificial perspective on what 'could have been'. It's nice to know that even after missing out on something, just imagining yourself somehow interacting with it creates a connection. It may be metaphysical, but so is love. Underestimating something - especially before delving into it's potential, may be to our determent.

There is a challenge in identification, as well as not over thinking! Kinda like putting on reading  glasses that improve your eye sight, but knowing when to take them off before they hurt your eyes. The prescription has to be unique to your eyes, for full benefit. But wearing them too long might make your vision worse.

Keep mind, heart, and curiosity open - that's what I do. It may leave me vulnerable in some ways, but I move around and adjust to novelty to compensate. 


 As a human
 I have many emotions - strong ones too
 And the really strong ones are what does the ripple thing, the most for me
 Because I get ripples of other peoples strong emotions too
 And that's pretty neat!
 I'm glad we're human and have dope brains, capable of stuff like that
 Patterns and structure all tie in to how we think
 Anything that our senses can reach out to, we can learn from
 We just have to recognize, and if we fail to do so, we adjust our senses until we can recognize
 But strong emotions can set the path of recognition astray
 So ya end up with clutter dummies
 Dense folk

 And through it all I have a big dong
 So it could be worse
 But honesty is more important than that to me.
 I'm also self conscious about it but hey!
 Maybe that's awkward, but so what

 I  realize how small the social life can be
 Juxtaposed with the thought of the rest of the population
 Because "society" as people usually know it, is just their neck of the woods
 On the great big sexy sphere, floating through space
 Like a fine space alien booty
 SO fine

 But the point is - there are many societies across the planet
 People are so diverse!
 As individuals, and as individual cultures
 Unique is the common denominator among human beings
 From our brains to our bones
 Every one of us is unique
 Our behavior, our perspective
 Everything about each and every one of us is ours and ours alone
 That isn't to say it all can't be LOOKED at
 But to be experienced
 Well that's unique too
 Humans are pretty special
 We're capable of amazing things
 Functions our brain can groove out that we don't even use, on a day to day basis
 Getting into a routine risks getting into routine thinking
 Which stunts novelty
 Novelty is HUGE! It's important to the brain
 Neuroplasticity thrives on novelty bro
 The more novelty the brain can experience, the more it can evolve and adapt
 That's why the singularity is so important
 And THAT'S where my reasoning stems from
 As to the whole
 Decency project
 I should probably save this chat
Aveon Flyer: Im gonna
--- and so I started a blog with the chat I saved, that one time. The Beginning.