Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Welcome to Imagination

Weavesilk is so dope. It's entertaining, good for artistic expression, and maybe a gateway for insight! A look at something much smaller, and more fundamental than we have the senses to perceive. I mean unless you count the imagination as a sense of it's own (I almost do). The imagination after-all is what we experience memories and ideas with. It's quite a sensory expanding element at the most inarguable least. But like our senses, our imagination is a sensory receptor symposium happening within our brain.

  1. Symposium
  2. In ancient Greece, the symposium was a drinking party

And what do our senses do for us; what purpose do they serve? Well they work as systems of interpretation for the world around and within us. Imagination is like that in a sense, but unbound. Imagination doesn't have to experience malleable truth to work the brains neural signal showdown. From using imagination, the brain is able to create scenarios that don't have to be "real". 

Although the scenario might not be real in the sense that it happened, imagination serve the purpose of keeping the possibility open. Thoughts and feelings toil around the imagination, and that's what more or less guides us through our lives. If we didn't have imagination, we wouldn't get anywhere. It's the sense for what is unknown, and the key to discovering it. 

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