Monday, March 30, 2015


My personal take on spirit is that it amounts to ones history of actions and behavior. Ones deeds, thoughts, responses, decisions, bonds and relationships, experiences and  objective imprint on time. It is metaphysical made manifest through  physical extent. The process of metaphysical creation is a feedback loop of potential and novelty. The more things change, the more potential there becomes for even more change.

The evidence of spirit is presence. Invocation of experience is the pudding. It is in part a byproduct of intelligence, even if at a mere primal and non-sentient precondition.

Folks this is what I think about and use to comprehend the power of love, hate, and all things of a similar element. It's the best translation I can muster for what truly boils down to a feeling. I'm a very sensitive person to things like this! So I do my best to write about them,  that I personally may understand the feelings better. And it's nice to give inner context to someone else, which helps them understand me better as well. The higher degree to which one understands their feelings, the more clever one can be about communicating their human experience.

It was a lovely time writing all of this. Even lovelier still would it be, if some other felt lovely like me, and practiced my art of objectivity.

1 comment:

  1. Would you consider expanding your definition of spirit to include "who you are becoming?" The desires and wisdom that were born out of the physical experience reflect the future-you, in the continual process of becoming. Essentially, spirit is the higher frequency version of you, up to speed with who you have become as a result of your human life. Not only does spirit reflect our vast (and eternal) history, but it also is the guiding light to our future. Just another perspective :) I like contemplative posts like this.
