Monday, March 23, 2015


Sometimes a situation starts, and it isn't until after it's changed or ended that the full brunt of potential positivity/knowledge is realized to be extracted. In that case we miss out, but develop artificial perspective on what 'could have been'. It's nice to know that even after missing out on something, just imagining yourself somehow interacting with it creates a connection. It may be metaphysical, but so is love. Underestimating something - especially before delving into it's potential, may be to our determent.

There is a challenge in identification, as well as not over thinking! Kinda like putting on reading  glasses that improve your eye sight, but knowing when to take them off before they hurt your eyes. The prescription has to be unique to your eyes, for full benefit. But wearing them too long might make your vision worse.

Keep mind, heart, and curiosity open - that's what I do. It may leave me vulnerable in some ways, but I move around and adjust to novelty to compensate. 

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