Monday, March 30, 2015


Acting or speaking as if pre-enlightened; culmination of what happens to presume oneself,  can be all too prime for a path of negativity. It can also be quite funny. But sense of humor is a limited capacity for people in certain situations. The whole picture is never brought into perspective - as are the limitations of being human. But contemplation is possible, and rewarding, if properly guided.

It's not up to anyone to tell us what to think, how to think, where our thoughts should go or anything like that. That's crap they want to project because they aren't comfortable with acceptance. Anyone can suck it up and accept anything as long as nobody is really getting hurt, or victimized. Rejection is what leads to violent behavior, and ultimately causes complications to a path of positivity.

Self awareness is what most shitty situations lack. We like to objectify whatever we feel is bad or negative, and end up forgetting - or even forsaking ourselves. It's all in our head, and it's time we stop ignoring the significance.

Someone telling you to culturise yourself, to fit their own conventions, is a person lacking faculties of decency. It's to be expected of children and teenagers, but as adults I think people should have a bit stronger form of common sense! What's the truth, and what's the individuals take on truth? Their "take" as in their subjective experience. The subjective experience is essentially our translation of objective reality. Our subjectivity is additional to objective reality; subjectivity proceeds objectivity.

The relationship of internal and external reality is littered with contingencies. We advance around them with ignorance, and sometimes an ego driven attitude of certainty. Our hubris will be our downfall, if we don't submit it to decency. Decent behavior as in less mocking and critical publication. Decent as in looking at flaws for ends of improvement - and nothing less. Rather than looking for flaws just for the sake of pointing them out, and leaving one in a puddle of negativity. This is the power negativity has, to be a strengthening compliment to positivity.  These are a few steps on the path of many steps.

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