Thursday, March 26, 2015


Eventually novelty shifts, and my interest along with it. Interests, desire, tendencies, behavior, thoughts. The things and people close to my heart are locked in static novelty though. The most important elements of my life are all together what I live for, and what help set the pace for discovery. Novelty does indeed fuel imagination, and imagination is what expands our umwelt.

umwelt (plural: umwelten; from the German Umwelt meaning "environment" or "surroundings") is the radius of perception our senses can hold. 

Our brain uses senses to process the world and reality. Our imagination expands the world and reality for our brain, and subsequently our senses. This is the process of creating ones own reality. This is why quantum mechanics is so cool to hear about, even if it's at first over my head. It sparks my imagination to conjure scenes of creation on a scale indescribable. From underlying quantum foundations, the smallest fabric of existence, to a cosmic macroscope perspective. If nothing else it gives me a good sense of contrast lol

It leads me wonder about the multiverse, and that whole thing. But knowing about the multiverse doesn't help us currently, as far as I can see. Basically I think there are more important things to think about. The thought is always a nice one when it graces my mind though. The significance of the idea, is held in the idea itself. We're a far cry away from outer-universal discovery, when we still can't accept ourselves - or at least keep our shit together so it doesn't victimize anyone. Self control is a real issue among too many people. 

Teenagers and young adults who forsake themselves, for the stupidest shit. They grow up and wonder where it all went wrong, and why their life sucks. There was never a singular point, or event that changed everything for them. They simply fell into a negative routine and integrated that negativity into the rest of their life. It's unfortunate but the silver lining = circumstances are a presentation to what we have, as humans: the brain. 

It's a presentation in the same way a meal is a presentation, sitting there looking all delicious and nutritious on a plate. Or maybe it looks like shit and turns your stomach. The point is: it's your attitude and perspective that make the food look one way or another. We can eat food, or go without eating food. We're all going to die in the end no matter what our approach to food might be! 

So do what you can to make the most out of negativity, before just letting it make the most out of you. Because that shit sucks and you don't want that. 

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