Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Judge Truth

Spiritual toxicity is a byproduct of when a hostile mind contradicts a gentle heart. To avoid toxicity and relish in positive spiritual development, one must align their heart and mind. The tuning must be natural and not forced: the tune must come through accepting balance. Total honesty must cascade through oneself so spiritual toxicity may wash away. Think of lying as building a damn to prevent the flow of a river. Ones spiritual development flows like a river, and is altered with lies and dishonesty.

Changing the direction of the flow is not necessarily a bad thing. Curvature of rivers add something special to a more grand scale perspective, creating a winding shimmering image of water.

Prohibiting the flow is what makes the river disappear all together down the way. This pattern of behavior is kindred to ones spiritual development. Synchronicity can be applied to anything if one has the capacity for it. Capacity is just another aspect of ourselves which we consciously dictate.

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