Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spiritual Awareness

Self > selfs senses

Mankind is usually sense driven in most situations, rather than sense drivers. Personally I have found the experience to be a dead end for self development. Like deja vu the patterns are repeated for each combination of senses and emotions. Being aware of ones senses is one thing, but letting them guide ones fate isn't always reliable. Often does it happen though, that moderation gets passed on. Following ones senses instead of leading by the awareness they extract leads to ignorance and confusion. 

Spirit is a reflection of the behavior of ones personal choices. Spiritual state is the life of ones choices. A positive spiritual state is one that is cared for. Senses can blind ones spiritual awareness, and end one up in stupid situations. Society has long exhibited the struggle of balance between senses and spirit. The struggle between ones self and the self of others. Spirit becomes corrupted by authority, causing paths to violence to saturate ones history. It is a common case, as is evident with history of war and conflict. Such toxicity is being tolerated only enough to continue, but not thrive. 

Spirit is as diverse as the senses, on top of being a product of imagination. Indeed spirit is a combination of imagination, the senses, ones own physical position and history, and ones influence on reality. Because the population of humans is so dense, each ones spirit then becomes part of a pool; a collective. The health of each individuals spirit is reflected in the collective. Some are positive while some are negative. Some just seek neither side of the spectrum, or have any interest in the spectrum itself. Appropriately the diversity is reflected from the collective back into our civilization. We insist on seperating our lifestyles and ideologies to the point of racism, homophobia, and other types of toxic bigotry. This is the way negativity is reflected back from the collective, and into the individual. 

If ones spiritual state is not tainted with such obscenities, then a healthiness is easily experienced. However we often lose sight of our spiritual path due to our senses leading us into materialistic, superficial circumstances. We are a product of our environment, but it goes both ways. Our environment is a product of us as well, because it is the space and time in which our lives occur. When ones environment provides nothing towards positive spiritual development, ones spirit becomes stagnant like a bad tune. How does ones spirit become in tune with the nature of something? What is the resulting resonance and what does the vibrational influence do? Consider these things when questioning how ones self becomes out of tune with ones spirit. 

The answers to many questions are more simple than being right in front of ones self. The answers are within, in the same place ones questions are birthed and live. Questions and answers are delivered from the same womb, ejaculated from the same nut, and spoken through the same voice. They begin and end in the spirit. The quality of questions and answers we expose ourselves to, also play a role in spiritual health.

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